Register your foals for the Limburg Foal Auction

11 April 2022

The foal season is in full swing and the Limburg Foal Auction will again contribute to the sale of genetically interesting jumping bred foals this year. The auction is scheduled for the 28th of September and from now on it is possible to register your foals. For the first time, the Limburg Foal Auction will organize a selection day for foals born earlier in the season.

Foals can now be registered for the Limburg Foal Auction on the website. As in the past two years, the selection committee will first make a selection based on pedigree, after which the chosen foals will be invited for the selection day and/or photo-video days. What is new is that a preliminary selection will be made at an earlier stage this year for foals born early in the season (register until the 22th of May). On Wednesday the 8th of June this first selection will take place at Manege De Vosberg in Panningen. The provisionally selected foals will then be invited to the video days at the Peelbergen Equestrian Centre. These video days are scheduled for August 1-3, where the final selection take place.

Directly to photo-video day
The foals born later in the season can be registered for the auction up to and including the 17th of July, and after the selection on pedigree they will be directly invited for the photo-video days at De Peelbergen. In addition to the traditional auction on the 28th of September, there will also be organized an online Limburg Foal Auction in the same week.