Etoile de Loma
Ruin / Bertram Allen 
The 24th edition of the Limburg Foal Auction will take place on Wednesday the 25th of September 2024. The auction belongs to the top three of best scoring foal auctions in The Netherlands since years. Meanwhile, breeders and byers know their way to the Limburg Foal Auction.
The auction makes a distinction between other foal auctions by a broad network of international buyers. Last year, more than a quarter of all auctioned foals were sold to buyers abroad. This is not surprising when you think of the fact that Limburger breeders provide many talented sport horses for already many generations.
A new era came for the Limburg Foal Auction in 2012. The organization was in the capable hands of the Limburg Foal Auction Foundation. 2012 was the first year that the auction was organized under the flag of Stal Hendrix. A big change happened in 2016 when the auction moved from Weert to the Limburg town called Kronenberg.
When it comes to the goal and implementation, not much has changed. The new organization will make an effort for the Limburger breeders. They are offered the possibility to let their foals find their way through the world.
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Limburgse Veulenveiling
Rijksweg 45
5995 NT Kessel
Janou Hendrix (+31615152030)
Cecile Heijnen (+31689926874)
Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen
Travers 5, Kronenberg
Navigatiesysteem Peelstraat
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